Financial Assistance
The Ministry of Education provides financial assistance to Singaporean students from our Government and Government-Aided Schools who need financial assistance for their studies. Official Website
Who is eligible




How to apply
ComCare recipients are auto granted MOE FAS and we will inform eligible parents.
On Parent Gateway - Using the e-FAS form (under Services tab – Financial Assistance).
Alternatively, you can download the MOE FAS application form attached or collect a copy at school. Submit the completed form directly to the school.
Note: If you have children in different government or government-aided schools, you just need to submit 1 application form to any of their schools. The school that receives the application form will inform you of the outcome.
Additional Financial Help
If you require further financial assistance beyond the MOE FAS, you can approach your child’s school to find out more about their school-based financial assistance. Your request will be evaluated by the school on a case-by-case basis.
The Straits Times School Pocket Money Fund (STSPMF)
Official Website
Application Form
Deadline 7 Feb 2025
CDAC – SFCCA Bursary
Official Website
The CDAC – SFCCA Bursary aims to help needy students to cope with schooling
expenses, including transport, meals and take part in enrichment and holiday
programmes organised by CDAC.
DigitalAccess@Home provides subsidised broadband and laptops/tablets to lower-income households to support their lifestyle needs, including school, work and social activities.
Low-income households living in HDB flats with at least one Singapore
Citizen are eligible to apply for DigitalAccess@Home.
If you currently have a home broadband service, you will need to wait
until your existing contract ends before you can cancel it and apply for
DigitalAccess@Home broadband.
You can apply for both broadband and laptop/tablet together or separately in different months/years.