Applied Learning Programme
Thinking@CPS Curriculum
Concerned Citizens, Innovative Thinkers, Passionate Learners
Signature Programmes
The Thinking Curriculum at CPS seeks to inculcate in students the attitudes, skills, and dispositions to approach challenges with a positive, inquiring and problem-solving mindset.
We believe that when students are equipped with thinking skills and provided with opportunities to practice these thinking skills, they will develop the thinking dispositions needed to tackle challenges they face in the future.
Through the Thinking Programme, our students are equipped with the attitudes, skills, and dispositions to become Concerned Citizens, Innovative Thinkers and Passionate Learners.
Thinking skills and dispositions are practiced through four levels:
Level 1 – Classroom pedagogy and instruction
Every department in the school infuses thinking routines into their curriculum to help students make their thinking visible during idea exploration, idea organisation and idea synthesis.

Level 2 - School based and school wide projects / programmes
Special programmes are organised to give opportunity for students to practice their thinking skills outside of class and subject context.
Enjoy our students’ submissions from ThinkHub in the video below. Our students unleashed their creativity on fruit.
Level 3 – School based enrichment programmes for selected students
Students who demonstrate potential are selected for various enrichment programmes the school offers such as Olympiad training programmes, E2K Math, E2K Science and the various leadership training programmes. These programmes serve to stretch students’ thinking in curriculum and co-curriculum areas.
Level 4 – External platforms / competitions for selected students
External platforms and competitions give students a wider audience to present their ideas and/or solutions and learn from others.