Student Leadership
Leaders of Self and Leaders of Others
Strategic Programmes
One of our strategic thrusts seeks to develop students to be Leaders Anchored on Values. We seek to nurture student leaders in the 7 Habits based of the Leader in Me programme espoused from the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Steven Covey.
The key principles of the Leader in Me programme is based on a theory of change known as the “See-Do-Get” Cycle. (When you change the way you See things, it influences what you Do and the results you Get.) It is very much aligned with the school vision of Concerned Citizens, Innovative Thinkers, Passionate Learners_,_ where there is emphasis on the need for students to be effective leaders of self before they can be effective contributors to the school and community at large.
In CPS, we believe every student has the propensity to be a leader and strive to provide opportunities for them to do so throughout their 6 years. We take on a tiered approach in developing the students into effective leaders.

The above framework guides student leadership development in 3 areas:
- Leadership of the Self
- Leadership of Others
- Leadership of the School Community
Tier 1: Leaders of Self
The first tier is to develop the student body to be leaders of self. This involves all students going through lessons and discussions on the “7 Habits of Happy Kids” espoused from the “7 Habits of Highly Effective People”. Our Primary 1 and 2 students attend weekly “Lead” lessons while Primary 3 to 6 students get opportunities to discuss and learn more about the 7 Habits through Assembly and FTGP lessons. We aspire to have students who can manage themselves and navigate peer relationships effectively.

Tier 2: Leaders of Others
The second tier of our leadership framework is to develop leaders of others. These are leaders are selected by teachers and lead a specific group of students in a particular function. This include our CCA Leaders, Eco-champions, ICT Monitors, PAM and Class Monitors etc. Students get opportunities to hone their leadership skills through leading their small groups and help in maintain order and camaraderie within student groups. Student leaders in this tier are often rotated to ensure a variety of experiences.
Tier 3: Leaders of the School Community
Prefects and Peer Support Leaders (PSL) make up the leaders of the school community tier. The prefects and PSL are selected through a rigorous process of nominations and interviews. These students lead the student body in major events and initiatives and are recognized as role models for the school community. We put the students through a variety of trainings to help them realize their leadership potential and hope to spark in them the desire to go beyond in leading and caring for the community at large.